去る2009年7月、イギリスのリヴァプールで開催されました、IASPM(国際ポピュラー音楽学会)の総会にて、「IASPM Book Award 2009(国際ポピュラー音楽学会2009年学術賞」の結果が、発表されました。日本語書籍部門の審査は、昨年IASPM理事会から指名された川本聡胤と、複数のIASPM-Japan会員から推薦された大和田俊之会員とによって行われ、小泉恭子会員の『音楽をまとう若者』(勁草書房)が選ばれました。著者の小泉さんご本人はご多忙のためリヴァプールには来られませんでしたが、授賞式では、本書の内容および受賞理由が、世界のポピュラー音楽研究者の勢揃いする会場で、以下のように紹介されました。
The IASPM Book Prize 2009 for Japanese Publication is given to Kyoko Koizumi’s _Youth Wearing Music_. Koizumi is Associate Professor of Sociology at Otsuma Women’s University in Tokyo. This book is a revision of her doctoral dissertation on the use of popular music in Japanese high schools, a thesis submitted to the University of London, Institute of Education in 2003.
The book elucidates flexible — and sometimes fragile — relationships between music, space, and identity. She defines three kinds of music, ‘personal music’, ‘common music’, and ‘standard music’, and three kinds of site, the ‘formal site’, the ‘semi-formal site’, and the ‘informal site’. She discovers that the youth uses these different kinds of music tactfully according to the different sites, rather than consistently use one kind of music at all occasions. She further elucidates the difference between gender in the use of music, and cautions against exploring the music culture of the youth just by social categories. The relation between music and identity is neither static nor fixed; just as people wear different clothes on different occasions, music also functions as ‘wears’ to construct their identity in a postmodern era.
Koizumi’s first-hand knowledge of Japanese music culture, combined with her thorough knowledge of European sociological theories, made her work truly outstanding among the recently published books on related subjects. The book contributes to both domestic and international scholarships in sociology of music, and we congratulate her on receiving this prize